Monday, July 29, 2013

Weekend Update

We had such a nice weekend.  It rained on and off so we cooled down a little bit.  We went shopping on Saturday and ordered Joe a new wedding ring (this is his 3rd one, they keep falling off and getting lost.) He got a size smaller this time.  We also purchased a Belgian waffle maker and it is AWESOME! Guess what we had for dinner on Saturday night =)

We went to go see World War Z finally and took Isabel with us ( I know, I know but she slept through 3/4 of the movie) yup it was her first theater experience.  Joe and I really liked it!  My sister and her boyfriend Sam took Jax to go see Turbo and they said it wasn't as good as they had hoped but Jax had fun eating almost a whole Large popcorn bucket!

Sunday was just a nice lazy day.  We decided to go get some fresh peaches and spent a few hours driving around to different fruit stands picking up fresh goodies.  The red barn in Palisade has an amazing Plexiglas enclosed beehive with over 60,000 honey bees.  Jax was in awe and I'm not going to lie I was too!  They also give kids a free honey stick when they come to check out the bees! 

We stopped outside for a quick family shot but Isabel was not feelin it =)

We had a late lunch at Texas Roadhouse and came home to get some yard work done. Perfect end to the weekend =)

XO Jen


  1. Oh my god, that looks sooo delicious. Yummy Yummy :o)

    Lovely greetz from germany.

    Ina :*

    1. Hey Ina!
      Thanks! Joe is the master waffle maker =)

      Jen =)
